
By Mighty.Beautiful Art Studio

Creative Flow Tarot is a series of illustrations-in-progress, focused on unlocking creative potential and using creative energy to work through the mental, emotional and real blockages that might be hampering creative flow. The series will ultimately combine the ideas, concepts, beliefs and practices of traditional tarot with creativity exercises designed to help move users into creative habits and a creative flow state.

This game requires java and is best played on a large landscape screen.

The 4 Forces and
22 Powers of Creativity

Inspired by traditional tarot ideas, concepts and spiritual guidance, Creative Flow Tarot contains five sets of cards: the Four Powers of Creative Flow — Wands, Stars, Stones and Swords — and the Major Forces, of which there are 22.

hover over each card to learn more


Wands are the suit of thoughts, ideas and experiences of being — of self-love, focus, rhythm and harmony. This suit speaks to the powerful ways in which our inner world, our sense of self, our experiences and our circumstances influence our creative flows. It is the suit of water. It is the suit of action, of doing, of moving and exploring. Its symbology includes sea creatures and koi pond features. Its power color is purple.


Stars are power of spirit, passion, energy and connections — of love and freedom and chaos. This suit speaks to the powerful ways in which our spirit — that inexplicable force within us that connects us to our ancestors and our futures — influences our creative flow. Stars are the suit of fire. It is the suit of wanting, of dreaming, of the ethereal and the surreal. This suit speaks to the spiritual aspects of creative flow. Its symbology focuses on fantasy creatures and flowers. Its power colors are red and yellow.


Stones contain the powers of wealth, resources, finances and support — of all the real-world struggles and successes artists face that might hamper or grow creative flow. This suit speaks to the powerful ways in which material objects and concepts — money, space, community, time, connections, etc — impact our creative flow. It is the suit of having. It is also the suit of Earth, and its symbology is rooted in beautiful landscapes, mammals, and powerful gemstones. Its power color is green.


Swords hold the powers of knowledge, instinct and skills. This suit speaks to the powerful ways in which the knowledge, skills and natural talents we are all uniquely born with shape our creative flow. It also speaks to the classroom work one has to do to feel comfortable using creative tools, and the actual work involved in self-expression. It is the suit of knowing, of deep understanding and the search of intellectual pursuits. It is also the suit of the Wind; it;s symbology focuses on birds, herbs and mushrooms. Its power colors are pink and blue.

Major Forces

The Major Forces cards do not belong to any suit and each has a different power. They represent the primary forces affecting your life, not just in the present moment, but throughout. Interactions with these forces can have a powerful affect on either building or blocking your creative spirit. They include your inner child, your imagination, your mind's eye, and 19 other forces that shape our lives.

The 14 Stages of the Four Powers

Each suit of the four powers contains 14 cards: numbers 1-10 and four “face” cards of equal value: Spirits, Knights, Gods and Goddesses. Each number carries a special meaning, and each face card carries a special power.

Ones/Aces: Beginnings, initiations, and first steps forward.

Twos: Balance, dualities and harmony.

Threes: Unification, wholeness in partnerships and unlimited potential.

Fours: Tethers and all the things that keep us grounded and in place: Truth; Order; Choice; Reason; Practice; Honesty; Loyalty; Stability; Structure; Capability; Confidence; Repetition; Practicality; Foundation; Determination; Wholesomeness; Conventionality.

Five: War, competition and victory; An indication that it’s time to make a change and learn something new, such as a new hobby or sport.

Sixes: Love skills: not romanticized, lustful love but the action of love: on reliability, dependability, communication, equality, partnership, integration.

Sevens: Perfection, evolution and patterns.

Eights: Boundaries, limitations, constraints and situations that are unavoidable.

Nines: Existential Fears and the greater Oneness, the connection between the individual and the universal everything, and the acceptance of the endless cycle of Life.

Tens: Completion of a cycle, an ending… and a beginning.

The Four Sides Of Each Power Are Knights, Spirits, Gods And Goddesses.

Spirits are the souls of each Power. Spirits represent creativity, invention, innovation, humor, spontaneity, immaturity and impulsiveness.

Knights are the actions of each Power — they represent ability, motivation and determination.

Goddesses are the creators of each Power . Goddesses are master gardeners and masters of change, transformation, growth, compassion and experimentation.

Gods (Kings) are the force of each Power. They are teachers and experts, advice givers and that which offers enlightenment.

The Powers of Wands:
Ideas and Experiences

The Powers of Stars:
Spirituality and Passion

The Powers of Stones:
Wealth and Resources

The Powers of Swords:
Knowledge and Skills

The 22 Major Forces of Creativity